Ah! Another Day!

 I'm not sure why I feel like sleeping for 8 hours will reset my life, and somehow this day will be different from the rest. 

Again, negative self talk. 

I need some structure, some routine. I can't handle waking up with no direction to the day. I MUST know what I am having for breakfast, I MUST stretch on my yoga mat, I MUST do the ab workout, I MUST take the dog for a stroll, I MUST sign up for the gym today. All these things, overwhelming me. MUST they?

It's not JUST doing the things, it's everything else that comes with them.  I want to have a quick spin workout but then I'll get sweaty and if I'm going to go to the gym at noon, do I really want to be showering twice? My scalp will get itchy, I don't want to wash my hair before working out again! And I need a new sports bra, mine just sucks. This sucks. My mind sucks. Going off in a million different directions instead of the task AT HAND. Literally throw on some scrubby clothes and get on the damn bike! 

My mind holds me back, because the task at hand is usually mundane and simple. But my mind likes to take it up a few notches and throw in a little inconvenience and worry! 

So. Today. It is day 2 of zero social media and for a few minutes there, I thought to myself "maybe I should just set it to 'temporarily disabled' instead of permanently deleted. Just in case I lose weight and want to log in and show it off".

JFC. Enough. 

Here are the goals for today:

  • Peloton 20 mins (or more if I feel like it)
  • Smoothie for breakfast
  • Sign up at the gym 
  • Take dog for a nice stroll
THATS IT, yet here I am, feeling like I've got a mountain to climb. Good grief. If I can make it through all 4 today, there will be a bit of pride. A bit. 

Off we go then.